Let those that have never committed a fashion sin, be the first to throw a garment. Today I´m proud of being brave enough to confess just a few of my own fashion sins.

1. Fashion disaster. Accesories. The golden rugsack! I got it from a Covent Garden shop that was closing down - No wonder! - You do so many silly things when you are a girl travelling abroad on her own for first time!

2. Fashion disaster. Jackets. The circus is coming or the clown jacket. Another delightful garment bought in London. First when I saw it I thought it was pretty cool and very 60´s. It took me a few days to be back to the cruel reality. It was a size -or two - too big and its huge pockets with those big white bottons made me look like a clown. By that time I would love wearing miniskirts and it seemed as if I had go out without a skirt ot trousers! You´re right, It was me who created the skirtless look and not Lady Gaga.
And now it´s your time to confess your worst fashion mistakes.
I'm going to take a page out of Bob Ross's book here and say that there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents.
Though I must admit the golden rug-sack was pretty bad.
For my second grade school picture, I vaguely remember something about argyle, wool, and paisley silk...
jajaj me encanta tu estilo de dibujo...son tan expresivas, que blog mas original...
besos guapa
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